Thursday, October 05, 2006

Should Gay People Be Allowed to Serve in the U.S. Congress?

This ridiculous question is now being asked -- and with a "straight face" -- by some high-profile media figures.

It's one of the questions that Chris Matthews asked on Hardball yesterday. His guest was the Democrat running against Dennis Hastert, a former military intelligence analyst named John Laesch. Here's a transcript:
Chris Matthews: We have some tough customers on this show -- Pat Buchanan as you know -- he's a pretty tough customer on the cultural values front. And we had Tony Perkins, who is a Christian conservative activist, on the other day, a leader I should say. Both raising the question, maybe it's a hobgoblin; it's being raised now in this context. Should we have -- should gay people serve in Congress? These guys raise this issue; and do you think that's a fair issue to be raised to broad-brush people who have that orientation given these events?

Laesch: No. I think that America is a country of equality and that every person should have equal rights regardless of your race, creed, sex, sexual orientation.

Chris Matthews: And so you think that's a wrong attitude about this case?

Laesch: Absolutely. Absolutely

Chris Matthews: And so you think a gay member of congress can serve with the same kind of sexual restaint expected of a heteresexual member?

Laesch: Every member of congress should be held accountable for their actions by the voters. We live in a democracy ... in a democracy every one is supposed to have equal opportunity.

You can watch the whole interview at this link.

Can you imagine this same question being asked of any other group? Should Muslims be allowed to serve in Congress? Should [fill in minority here] be allowed to serve in Congress? What about senior citizens?

Here's a thought: All the people who won't be turning out to vote for Republicans come election day because of the Mark Foley scandal don't hate the man merely because he is an ephebophilic stalker-type.

These people hate him equally as much just for the fact that he is gay. They don't like the thought of him having sex with a 17-year-old any more than they like the thought of him sleeping with his longtime partner.

And this is the world in which we live.

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