I only bring this up because those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it.
If I were Sen. John Kerry, and I were threatened by a modern-day Preston Brooks, I'd head to the Potomac River and get myself and my family on the next swift boat out of dodge before this gets ugly.
John Boener could be the next Speaker of the House if Hastert resigns, and the Republicans retain control.
What's that you say? Boener was joking?
Oh, yeah. Sorry.
John Boehner could be the next Speaker of the House if Hastert resigns, and the Republicans retain control.
What's that you say? Boener was joking?
Oh, yeah. Sorry.
(I betcha 1,000 dollars that George Will brings up Charles Sumner sometime in the next day. What a nerd!)
This is worth reading, too, from Andrew Sullivan:
It's your blog so I am confounded why you don't update your entry rather than just adding comments when no one has responded yet. It makes those of us who don't write this blog wonder if you are trying to fudge numbers for those companies who measure blog activity. Hmmmm.
I am sure the beating Kerry is giving himself is enough. I think we can safely say his 2008 campaign is over before it officially began.
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