I didn't have a blog way back then, so my predictions were contained in a lengthy email to friends. Subject line: PREDICTIONS FOR 2006!!!!!
Before I get to my predictions for 2007, I want to review some of my predictions for 2006.
* I predicted that Wally would be *even sexier* in 2006 than he was in 2005. I was right.Where did I go wrong? I missed predicting Nicole Ritchie's final year-end weight by 14 ounces.
* I predicted that soybean futures would NOT be the place to put your money. I was right.
* I predicted the firing of Donald Rumsfeld, the election of Felipe Calderon as president of Mexico and the scandal involving Britney Spears not wearing panties. I was right, right and right.
Now, my predictions for 2007:
* A woman in Idaho wins a large jury verdict after suffering a seizure watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Jurors are quick to blame the writing.
* Viewership of Internet porn rises at a rate two points higher than inflation.
* Minister Ted Haggard is spotted in Provincetown on the Fourth of July wearing a catcher T-shirt and dancing at the A-House with gay blogger Andrew Sullivan. They are both clutching a copy of Andrew's new book, The Conservative Soul: How We Lost It, How to Get It Back, now available on Amazon.com.
* An unnamed member of the cast of the Real World Road Rules Challenges on MTV fills out an application for a real job and doesn't get it.
* A prominent journalist at a major news network is outed. Shepard Smith breaks the story.
* The Bush Daughters celebrate a double wedding! With each other. In Massachusetts.
* Following the president's divorce, Condeleeza Rice-Bush quickly establishes herself as the most-loved first lady in U.S. history.
* A Broadway Musical based on the life of Hugh Beaumont from Leave It To Beaver becomes the national rage, while also igniting a furious debate over a shocking scene involving Jerry Mathers and a string of pearls.
* Dick Cheney shoots 14 people, including the president of Mexico, in a Thanksgiving day massacre before finally being wrestled to the ground by Boutros Boutros-Ghali.
* Andy Kaufman announces to the world he's really still alive, and then kills himself. Tom Shales at The Washington Post praises the stunt as brilliant.
* Dennis Kucinich is elected president of the new republic of Puerto Rico. Troops from Iraq are quickly redeployed as the U.S. leads the coalition invading San Juan.
* The Cup of Joe resumes its coverage of kittens to rave reviews, and doubles its daily readership to two.

One more prediction to bet the house on:
Towleroad lands another scoop and is the first
to report bullet number 3.
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