Earlier this summer, Sen. Orrin Hatch, the conservative republican from Utah, said with a straight face on the Senate floor that the most important thing the Senate could be doing at this time was debating the flag burning amendment.
Two days ago, on CBS Sunday Morning, Hatch did a video essay (in the slot usually reserved for Nancy Giles or Ben Steins) that made me do a spit-take of my morning Sumatra blend.
In the essay Hatch compared opponents of stem cell research to the same people who persecuted Galileo because of his beliefs about heliocentrism. Just as it took decades and, in some camps, even centuries for Galileo to be vindicated, Hatch argued that one day those arguing against stem cell research will look as silly as those arguing against a sun-centered solar system.
Needless to say, fellow conservatives and conservative bloggers have already started an attack on Hatch for this radical belief.
So, in honor of Orrin Hatch, go buy one of his CD's, OK? He's not just a Senator, dontyouknow, but also a singer and songwriter.
And, if those internet rumors are true, I hear he can make a mean mojito, too.
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