Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A Fourth of July Rumination

Sometimes, the recipe for success is simple. For example, Warren Buffett has a simple philosophy for living his life and a simple formula for wealth accumulation, and these have made him a billionaire many times over. Southwest Airlines has a simple formula for success, too -- treat your employees well -- and it has worked very well for this airline.

I've always tried to live my life by a set a very simple rules, and they've served me well. They are:

1) No loud talking.
2) No foul language.
3) No fireworks.

However, because this is the Fourth of July, we are going to take a fucking one-day reprieve. I am soo fucking going to be blowing off fucking bottle rockets tonight. And in a big fucking way!!!!

Happy Birthday America!
You are one mean fucker!!!

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