Since many of my friends who didn't go on the trip were probably at home, and quite possibly reading their hometown Sunday newspaper, I'd just like to make clear that I did NOT see any sex, I did see LOTS of beer, and I will confirm the headline writer's suspicions that these rivers also have lots of boats.
Maybe I'm just floating the wrong streams?
And I'm no novice: In the past 20 or so years I've canoed on five different rivers in Missouri covering about 100 miles of various stretches of these streams.
However, I should note that this story was reported on based on people who hang out on the river on Saturdays and holidays, and we floated on a Sunday. In fact, I'm very careful NOT to float on Saturdays.
Why? I won't (and can't) float on Saturdays for medical reasons: I'm allergic to large numbers of people in bathing suits who do not have gym memberships. I'm also allergic to boom boxes that can only play Jethro Tull 8-tracks.
I've been floating in southern Arizona the past week or so...literally...and missed this posting. What a mean thing to say about Tull 8 tracks. Taste is taste and in the shuffling madness, who can say what is art, or what is trash. One man's Locomotive Breath is another man's Toccata and Fuge in D minor.
Bobby M.
Hey, What can I say? I'm still bitter that JT beat Metallica for the 1989 grammy for best hard rock recording. Hope you enjoyed riding the Crest of a Nave on that Arizona river.
Have you heard Tull's 2003 Christmas album?
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