I'm happy to report that we are back in town, safe and sound after the incident at the airport involving a CONFISCATED bottle of eyedrops. I can't help but think that if losing two ounces of rewetting solution can be my contribution to national security and fighting the tear-wrists, then it made my uncomfortably dry eyes well worth the sacrifice.
Although we miss the cool sea breezes off the sunny tip of Cape Cod, it has been more than made up for by the no-less-delightful winds wafting from the banks of the nearby River Des Peres, a little slice of "run-off stormwater and sewer backup" heaven right here in town.
Thanks so much to my friend Bobby M. for looking after the house. "While I was out" he fed my special little angel, took in the mail, and performed light housekeeping duties and other chores. This included organizing my winter sweaters in the basement by color and material, running several utility programs on my PC to ensure optimum and consistent performance, tuckpointing the chimney, refinishing the hardwood floors, and starting on a room addition out back. Thanks Bobby! But next time, could you also clean the gutters, and would it kill you if you did just a little de-weeding? Thanking you, in advance.
And thanks so much to Elgie for picking us up at the airport.
Pictured above is Race Point Beach in Provincetown. It's quite beautiful, no?
Tonight, as the sun is setting here in my hometown, I'm going to remember Race Point Beach as I take a walk down near the banks of the River Des Peres. I hope my allergies start acting up, because a clogged nose will help block out the odors.
I don't know this Bobby M. but I worry whether sweet Coco Butter was properly fed and cared for. Your little Angel Cake is accustomed to a high level of attention and this Bobby M. was supposed to provide it? I think not!
Word on the street is that Bobby M spent the entire week trying to teach Coco to pee on furniture and dress clothing. Coco, God bless her, remains unable to learn a thing though, so don't send her out to the farm just yet. That aroma in your closets in all Bobby...
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