... Saw the new Ron Howard movie The Da Vinci Code last night with our dear friend Wally. What's the "good word" from us here at The Cup of Joe?
Every clue you could possibly need to figure out what we think of The Da Vinci Code is included in this blog post. (I swear, on a stack of bibles that includes the "apocryphal" Gospels of Thomas and Phillip, that this is absolutely true!) So grab those keys and start revving the Scooby Doo Mystery Van: there's work to do:
1) I am slithery love-bites.
2) Emotional thievery lesbianism.
3) Undoubted, Oedipean poet or so.
4) Away Wynn!
5) Woebegone, true, adult baud.
For the solutions to this incredible mystery, a riddle that threatens to "enpuzzle" us all, see the comments section of this blog later today.
So step on the gas, readers. This Mystery Van waits for no one.
1) This movie really bites.
2) No, I mean this movie really bites.
3) Opie does not do Aunt Bee proud.
4) Yawn. Yawn.
5) Aunt Bee would be outraged.
... Speaking of Aunt Bee: Mmmmmmmmmmm! Now that's good eatin'!
I'm talking about her pies, of course.
Bobby M, one o' the brightest people I know, told me he didn't understand this post. The numbered entries on the post are anagrams. In the movie Tom Hanks is able to solve silly anagrams in about 3 seconds. It's supposed to be intriguing; it's not.
My anagrams are even stupider than the ones in the movie, if you can imagine this being possible.
I know I couldn't have imagined even stupider anagrams ... until I wrote this post. Worst. Anagrams. Ever.
Peace be with you.
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