As I mentioned in my last entry, my friend "Timmy Two Shirts," the corporate VP who will one day be able to buy and sell everything I hold dear, prefers to communicate everything in powerpoint presentations. This includes even simple queries from his secretary regarding how he likes his coffee prepared.
I think Timmy may be on to something. He has a beautiful wife and absolutely adorable daughter, and it was all made possible by this powerpoint slide that he shared with his then-girlfriend over a romantical dinner at St. Louis' finest I-talian restaurant.
This is the lawyer for Timmy Two Shirts. We beleive that you received a copy of the porposal powerpoint without the express written consent of Timmy. Furthermore, we ask that you cease using it. If you do not take action, Timmy will own everything you hold dear.
Sorry, Timmy's lawyer. It's called Freedom of the Press!!!!! I will not be intimated by any of your lies, distortions and cash inducements.
... how much cash are we talking about?
This is your second warning. One more warning and we'll switch all of you DVDs with copies of Bill O'Reilly's show. We switch all your CDs with Rush talk shows.
Ok, you got me Timmy Two Shirts, er, I mean anonymous, I will cease and desist.
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