I've ALWAYS wanted to see each of these performers in concert. Luckily, I've been able to fulfill one-third of this dream.
Frank Sinatra, then in his late 70s, was in St. Louis in October of 1994 on one of his last-ever tours, at what was then the "new" Kiel Center. He sang maybe 45 or 50 minutes minutes and had at least five teleprompters, but still managed to forget the lyrics to New York, New York.
Nevertheless: It was some of the best money ($75 to be exact) I've ever spent. I still love Frank and just bought one of his best-ever CD's, "Songs for Swingin' Lovers." (Listening to this CD reminds me of a certain special someone who, I'll give you a hint, has Frank's same eye color!)
Johnny Cash canceled his last tour when he got sick, so I wasn't able to catch this great artist who could combine rock, folk, gospel, blues, rockabilly and country in one unforgetable combination. If you had to limit me to one CD if I were stranded on a desert island (or falsely imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay for seditious libel), I'd choose something by Johnny Cash.
This weekend I'm fulfilling the Madonna dream by trucking it to Chicago with three friends. I don't care where our seats are. I don't care if she forgets the words to Vogue. (Well, maybe a little.) I don't care if she plays way too much from her CD I like least (which is Music, a disappointing follow-up to Ray of Light.) ... I can now cross this off the list of things I've always wanted to do.
Next stop: Chi-town!
Didn't you leave out your tickets to David Hasselhoff in Belgium?
I'm "hooked on a feeling." No, I didn't forget -- that'll be a new post!
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