We here at The Cup of Joe finally got a chance to see the Al Gore movie "An Inconvenient Truth" last night. We saw the movie with our dear friend Elgy, who has been known in the past to sport right-wing political yards signs in her front yard, and her brother, "Timmy Two-Shirts," a corporate V.P. who, I predict, will be able to buy and sell me (and all I hold dear) in just a few short years. Also in attendance was our dear friend Wally.
Our friend Elgy, who actually voted for Al Gore, was lukewarm about the movie. She thought it was too long, and too political.
I don't think I agree. Now, don't get me wrong. I hate powerpoint presentations. I think corporate America has totally forgotten how to communicate during meetings, and everything nowadays is a powerpoint presentation. In fact, I'm sure Timmy Two shirt's secretary doesn't ask Timmy how he wants his coffee in the morning because Timmy prefers all communication to be in the form of a powerpoint presentation. (See sample slide from 05/04/2005 above.)
Back to the movie. As I mentioned, I saw the movie with my dear friend Elgy. Now, I'm not calling Elgy an ice princess, but I also saw Forrest Gump and some other sentimental movies with her and her reaction was sort of like that flat line on the monitor when someone goes into shock and dies in an Emergency Room.
I thought the movie was superb and, well, chilling. And though Al Gore has denied in a New York Times article that he is running for president, how else could he really effect more change on this issue: as president of the United States or delivering a powerpoint presentation to students around the world?
Run, Forrest, Run!
To: The Cup of Joe Staff
From: Elgy (a.k.a. "The Ice Princess")
I liked the movie; I would recommend it to friends -- particularly zookepers. What I did not like was paying $8 for a snazzy PowerPoint presentation (no matter what Timmy's preferred method of communiction) and hearing no one but Al Gore speak for nearly two hours. Perhaps it was the late hour, but the drone of his voice and the oceanic patterns lesson midway through were a deadly combination. And, yes, though it did have a political message, I agreed with it -- so that is not a issue. I voted for Al Gore; I'm solidly against global warming; I'm never going to see this movie again.
Run, Al, Run!
Elgy, I don't make up the news. I just report it!
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