Men's Health magazine is at it again, publishing a list of American cities and then using some silly metric to try to measure things that are, when you think about it, truly immeasurable.
For example, in its September issue, they ask the question: "How Angry is Your City"?
The happiest cities, by the way, are Manchester, NH and Bangor, Maine -- both happily and cheerfully part of blue states.
The least happy cities are St. Petersburg and Orlando -- which are, perhaps not coincidentally, in a red state.
We here at The Cup of Joe are starting to consider our own rankings of various entities, and particularly magazines.
... So how's this for a ranking?: Which magazine has the biggest dumbshits as part of their editorial staff? Answer: Men's Health. Score: A+.
I think the editors should take an exercise ball and shove it up their rectums.
... Not that I'm angry or anything.