Friday, October 06, 2006

As Gay As It Gets: Jack With a Stache

The Departed, the new Martin Scorcese film starring Jack Nicholson, opens tonight in town. We hope to see it very soon, and we'll let you know how it is as soon as Wally gets rid of his Cindy Brady-like sniffles.

Speaking of Jack, doesn't he look like a 70s gay male porn star in this photo? He looks even gayer than my straight friend Bobby M looked when he sported a stache (1983-1991).

Ah, the moustache. Will they ever be as common as they were in the 1970s? Should they ever be as common again?

Who wants to start a trend (perhaps as a good luck Cardinals playoff stache) and start growing one (sans beard, of course, at least for starters)?

... And don't worry, all you would-be Rollie Fingers: the moustache wax is on me.


Anonymous said...

Count me in

Anonymous said...

The stache is making a comeback (ref: MY NAME IS EARL)! It's only a matter of time before the big Magnum P.I. stache is a pervasive as the goatee(aka. mullet of the 90's) was just a mere decade ago.
Huzzah! Huzzah for the stache.

P.S. I did not look gay. I looked distinguished.

Joey P said...

Bobby, beards (and scruff) are the new goatees.

By the way, I think the mutton-chop has a better chance of making a comeback than does the moustache.