I don't know whether this is true or not. This is why I believe this "votes like he hates the gays" Senator should go on Meet the Press Sunday to discuss the matter.
Here are some potential questions for Tim Russert.
1) Senator, welcome to Meet the Press. What's your favorite Madonna album?

3) Should we pursue a constitutional amendment guaranteeing Americans the right to moisturize?
4) Is there such a thing as "dressing too sexy"? If there is, have you ever been guilty?

5) There, right there. In your back pocket. What color is that hanky there?
6) What's your gay.com screenname?
7) If you had to choose between two different drag queen nicknames -- Miss Allegra or Miss Claritin -- which would it be, and why?
8) Why are you making love to me with your eyes?
9) The two-button or the three-button suit: What Would Jesus Do?
10) You advocated the Federal Marriage Amendment that would have changed the constitution to prevent gays from marrying. You voted to confirm anti-gay judges. You have a voting record of "F" for gay-related issues according to one website. Senator, if you were to run into a gay person later this afternoon, say in the men's stall at a public restroom, how would you explain your votes to him?
Honestly, I'm not sure that the good Senator would explain his votes. In my opinion, I think it's clear he'd rather show than tell.
YOU GO JOE> I think these are great questions although only Colbert would dare to ask them.
I'd start watching Russert if he asked those questions.
And if Russert had time, one more question: Please detail all Cher concerts you may have attended over the past quarter century.
Madonna? CHER?! I fear your examples may be too obvious. How about we ask him to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth on whether he believes Jeffrey did all that detailed handwork himself, or if Laura was robbed of her deserved win by a conspiracy of tattooed ex-junkies at Bravo who wanted to honor one of their own... THAT will root the little fuc&er out of his no-doubt-stuffed-with-Dockers-for-weekend-wear closet.
I live in Idaho. I'm gay. I'm out, and I loathe Sen. Craig. But Mike Rogers has yet to hand over the evidence he says he has - all he says is that he can prove Craig is gay, but I still don't see or hear his prove.
When I listened to Rogers' interview on the Ed Schultz Show, I cheered! FINALLY, someone is going to out this asshole.
But Rogers has nothing, zero, zip, nada!
There are serious gay activists in Idaho who heard all the same stories, but Rogers said he has proof.
I think Mike Rogers and Larry Craig have something in common, I think they are both full of bullshit!
Everyone who cheers Mike Rogers for outing Sen. Craig needs to know he hasn't accomplished it!
Just saying you talked to people in my hometown of Boise and did 2 years of research is meaningless unless you can PROVE IT!
Mike Rogers is a fake!
The correct title is "Magnum P.I.". But I'm sure Timmeh wouldn't admit to knowing the correct name.
And it aired from 1980-1988. Jest so yer know.
Glinda: Thanks for the typo catch. You are truly bewitching.
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