If the photo at left (which I snapped this morning) is A, and the photo at right is B, then A + B = good news for Republicans next month during the midterm elections.
Throw in an orange level terror alert -- let's call this C -- and you get this equation: A + B + C = Republicans retain House and Senate.
The addition of C, the new terror alert that will allow Republicans to scare just enough Soccer Moms, will be enough to help the Republicans emerge victorious.
What this also means: The Senate seat up for grabs in Missouri stays Republican. Prediction: 52-48 percent, with the Democrat losing, unless something changes between now and election day.
Sorry, I call them like I see them.
I must say that as a liberal, I have a bit of respect for the tried and true conservatives. I'm not talking about the neo-cons that toe the party line no matter what, but thoughtful people that consider issues and fall to the right. They don't let much sway them from their thinking. I don't either. On that level we are much alike. They have their perceptions of morality and decency and I have my perceptions of the same. We just don't see the world in the same way. That's cool.
Now having said that, it's these mamby-pamby schmucks that can't decide that drive me batty.
Gas prices go up...out with the bums. Gas prices go down...we need to stay the course.
If they're scared a week or so before the election - they vote one way. If they're not - they vote another. And as a result, these are the people that politicians try to appease. And it appears that they are the people that put the least amount of effort or thought into this truly sacred and, as far as the rest of the World is concerned, unique responsibility. They are the nuts that decide the direction of our country.
In rare cases, I'll concede that the choices are really not that clear. But, come on. How hard is it to devise a thoughtful view of the world that you live in? That's why more and more, I respect people with true conviction. I almost respect those that don't even bother to vote more. At least they're not flipping a metaphoric coin at the last minute because they did not bother to investigate and formulate an opinion of their own.
Bobby M.
Well said!
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