Take the test here.
To get the most accurate results of your "biological age," which is based on your lifestyle, you'll need to know (or estimate) your blood pressure and chloresterol levels.
When I first took the test with estimates, I was given a "biological age" of 6 years younger than my actual age, but fresh off from a visit to the doctor, and with a cholesterol level of 86 and a blood pressure of 110-66, I must have shaved off a year. So it turns out, my "real age," biologically speaking, is more than 7 years younger than my actual age.
I can't wait to turn 30!
I sure hope my friends throw me a big surprise party, and that they give me, for my 30th birthday, a big screen, high-definition plasma TV along with two different high definition DVD players in both the competing Sony and Toshiba formats so I'm "good to go" regardless of which format winds up as the eventual standard. Oh, and a video Ipod too, and a vacation (10 days to two weeks) to Barcelona and Paris.
I have no doubt about this, because my friends are the best.
But I do have one minor note: Please don't bother buying me a birthday card; they're such a waste of money.
Bobby M. tested at 72.3...Pretty good for such an old feller. It said that I need to drive more instead of biking to and from work..because of the danger...and then I need to drive a bigger car...because of the safety of bigger cars...what is this a a bunch of anti-environment, right wing doctors that devised this test?!?
My test results: I'm a 12-year-old boy.
Bobby M, I'm delighted that you only registered in at a biological age of 72.3. (I had 75.4 in the office pool.)
Wally, I'm equally delighted about your silky soft skin -- sometimes I think it's as if you've been soaking in Palmolive all your life.
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