It's true: Toby Keith is a Democrat.
With the 9/11 five-year anniversary tomorrow, he just said so on TV.
What's the lesson to be learned here? Being hyper-patriotic (or just plain vanilla patriotic) doesn't mean you are automatically a Republican.
Most of us non-Republicans already knew this.
The same goes for drawing conclusions about people who are religious. Of all the people I know who were raised Catholic, the only pair in a relationship who consistently go to church together every weekend ... is a gay couple. And they're Democrats, too.
What about Keith's opinion on the War in Iraq? "We won't know for probably 20 or 30 years whether it was the right thing to do or not," Keith says.
This contains more truth than 99 percent of what the shouting heads on MSNBC say. So although I suspect George Bush will go down in history alongside James Buchanan and Warren Harding as one of the worst presidents ever, this is really something that can only be determined over the long term.
See the CBS Sunday Morning Profile of Toby Keith here.
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