Saturday, September 16, 2006

Martha Stewart to June Cleaver: Drop Dead

In today's Wall Street Journal, Martha Stewart comments on some of her favorite portrayals of homemakers on TV -- "some of whom even helped teach her a few things," according to the article.

They are:

* Clair Huxtable, "The Cosby Show." "She's the first homemaker to truly balance home and a career," Martha says.

* Caroline Ingalls, "Little House on the Prarie." She had "steely resolve," Martha says. "Homemakers shouldn't be pushovers."

* Mr. Hudson, "Upstairs, Downstairs." "I polish silver with white cotton gloves to this day because of him," the paper quotes Stewart as saying.

* Alice Kramden, "The Honeymooners." Because she "managed a totally unmanageable husband."

* Lucy Ricardo, "I Love Lucy." According to the article: "Stewart favors the 'entrepreneurial' episodes, such as 1953's 'Million Dollar Idea,' where Lucy starts a salad-dressing business."

I think these are great choices, especially Mrs. Ingalls, but may I suggest two additional?

* Carol Brady, "The Brady Bunch." For never noticing the way Mike Brady would look at Sam the butcher. It's a good thing the Internet wasn't around then: Mike would have spent all his time in the den on

* June Cleaver, "Leave it to Beaver." In the 1961 episode, where she caught Eddie Haskel masturbating with Gilbert Bates and Larry Mondello, she handled the situation with grace, dignity and steel-mitten resolve.

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