Here's my original review of the show when it first oozed on the airways a few weeks ago.
This second show was even worse than the premiere episode, if you can imagine this being possible. And once again the shrillest harpy in the history of shrill harpies, Ann Coulter, showed up in a comedy role as Vice President Ann Coulter.

You may remember Ann: She indirectly called John Edwards (a family man and devoted husband) a faggot the other day. Lots of media outlets covered her remarks. The blogosphere was all lit on fire.
Can't we just start ignoring her?
It is only news if this woman one day says something remotely insightful.

If you missed the show tonight it featured jokes about global warming, Jimmy Carter, the Dateline NBC "To Catch A Predator" Series and the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. In other words, the object of ridicule has to be "enemies of Fox" -- either Democrats or perceived "Democratic" causes like global warming, or competing networks to Fox that are going for the same viewers (and hence the same ad revenue).
I really have nothing to add from my original review, other than say that this show is such an insult to my thoughtful conservative friends who are witty, intelligent and funny, and who do not by necessity demonstrate the uncritical, dronelike adherence to All Things Bush that is such a Hallmark of the Fox Noise Channel.
I think you're being way too harsh. the production is terrible but the content is really funny. 3rd hand smoke? banning running on the playground?
The cup of joe helps you take some knowledge about yoga. I think yoga means not all about body stretches.
Do you know a heaven also there in this universe? That is Yoga.
Yoga means not about body stretches, the real makes your life period so long .And it will takes your heart near to the God.
The real yoga is about spiritual and concentration
If you concentrate on he will come to you and help you
If you perform yoga you will become healthier and intelligent
Find the real heaven.
Two questions:
Why did you even watch that crap again?
Why did someone post something about yoga on this post?
Jer: Let me address both your points.
The yoga comment is about my prior post on how my yoga studio smells like ... poo. I totally agree with every single thing Ramesh said about how Yoga is a quest to bring your heart nearer to God. That said, I'd rather be smelling a vanilla candle.
As for the 1/2 Hour News Hour, it should be remembered that The Daily Show is not just comedy about politics; it's also a satire about how ridiculous our electronic media has become. The new Fox show can't really succeed on this level because it would, in effect, be satirizing itself. Some things can't be joked about because they hit too close to home.
Jer: Let me address both your points.
The yoga comment is about my prior post on how my yoga studio smells like ... poo. I totally agree with every single thing Ramesh said about how Yoga is a quest to bring your heart nearer to God. That said, I'd rather be smelling a vanilla candle.
As for the 1/2 Hour News Hour, it should be remembered that The Daily Show is not just comedy about politics; it's also a satire about how ridiculous our electronic media has become. The new Fox show can't really succeed on this level because it would, in effect, be satirizing itself. Some things can't be joked about because they hit too close to home.
Thanks for responding twice, but you still didn't answer my questions:
Why did you watch that trash a second time? Wasn't it bad enough the first time you watched it?
1. Low self-esteem.
2. Yes.
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