I only mention this because I still have a $25 I-tunes gift certificate from Christmas, and I need YOUR help.
What would you buy?
Please note that I already own the entire Sing-A-Long with Mitch Miller catalog, a fact that is not lost on my next-door neighbors, who for some reason keep complaining about me to the police.
Your music library seems to be lacking in Traditional Irish Music. May I recommend something from Danu or Altan, that I don't have yet?
Bobby M.
bobby, i love the Irish people, and especially me grand-ma-ma, but I'm not so fond of Irish music or musicians, except for Bono.
... Call me embittered, but you know, I never quite forgave Sinead O'Connor for ripping up that picture of the Pope.
I think Jann Arden's Jann Arden CD (an import if you try to buy it from Amazon) is a good album. As is Heather Small Close To A Miracle (also an import only on amazon)
Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons"
Pachabel's Canon
Loreena McKennitt (anything by her)
Justin Timberlake's dance versions of "What Goes Around"
"Wild, Cool, & Swingin" by Mrs. Miller (http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=70903282&s=143441) is the perfect way to blow an iTunes gift card since you want to get any music you'll really like on cd. Or vinyl.
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