Things are different today for women. Our next president could be a woman. Nancy Pelosi is two male heartbeats away from the most powerful job in the world. This country's chief diplomat, Condoleezza Rice, is a woman.

I'm not really sure how much the changing role of women during the 1970s affected the Jamie Summers character or the creative process behind the original series, which brought us villains such as the Fembots. But it will be interesting to see how today's world will affect and shape a new 2007 Jamie Summers. For example, would it be a stretch to imagine the modern Jamie as a "Steve-Austin-less" lesbian?
DRUMROLL, please: If you haven't heard, NBC has ordered a pilot for a new, updated version of The Bionic Woman!
This original series ran from 1977 to 1979 on two neworks, and this modern update of a classic could possibly be on the fall schedule.
There's much potential for this new show to be absolutely terrible in an absolutely wonderful way; I just hope the producers have the bionic vision for a 2007 show that could be as much campy fun as the original.
Details From Variety.com
The Bionic Woman (NBC Universal TV Studio)Exec Producers: David Eick and Laeta Kalogridis (writers), Bruno Heller
Cast: Michelle Ryan (as The Bionic Woman, pictured above), Will Yun Lee, Mae Whitman
Logline: Modern version of classic series
You actually used the phrase "titty photos"...!
They're renaming the show?
just a typo, jer!
Well, she certainly has bionic boobs!
I wish they would put the original series out on DVD. I would love to see Jammie Summers kick some Fembot butt again.
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