Friday, January 05, 2007

Hat's Off to This Man

"The only thing that happened to me was my blue hat got dirty."
-- Wesley Autrey, the Subway Hero, last night on The Late Show With David Letterman.
This statement is all the more extraordinary when you watch the CBS News reenactment of the incident, which you can see in the below clip from the Letterman interview.

Interesting note: What airs on YouTube is an edited version of what aired on Letterman, which I have on my Tivo. Edited out were some questions about the accuracy of the opening moments of the CBS News reenactment, and whether the victim was lying right on the track or in the area between the tracks. (The portion you can view in the above clip, however, is accurate. And did I mention harrowing?) CBS may have found it embarrassing that the initial portions of the reenactment weren't quite accurate, and that Letterman joked about it.

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