Yesterday, after lunch, my friend Elgie told me that my winter coat -- a finely tailored Calvin Klein wool garment in the great tradition of English overcoats -- looked like something out of
Lord of the Rings. She told me this in a mocking and cruel way.
This is quite extraordinarily mean. I would expect such cruelty from the
Dark Lord Sauron, but certainly not from a "friend."
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that coat isn't Hobbit-like.
Come to think of it, it's probably more Dwight Schrute-like. It doesn't belong in Middle Earth. It belongs on a beet farm.
Of course, you wear it well. Everything looks good on you. Even old "Bruce there it is" T-shirts and spaghetti ties.
I'll take that as a compliment! Thank you!
Quite honestly, I don't see where the insult was. So what if it did look like a hobbit's coat? Be proud of it Joe P. and stand up for your fondness of the movie.
By the way, I've seen worse examples of hobbit apparal depicted by the media at LOTR conventions.
Thank you, Frenchie.
Your wisdom would suit you for the Council of Elrond, my friend, where your greatness would be lost on neither Gimli Son of Gloin nor on that brave elf of the Sindar, Legolas.
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