My favorite line in this vintage physical education movie -- the polar opposite of the old "steel mittens" mentality of days gone by -- is during the locker room scene, and it involves a yearning desire for ... a fig leaf.
"Before we moved here I used to go to a school where we had to go swimming in the bare," the one teen tells the other. "I was so embarrassed about the size of my penis we used to dread the days we had to go swimming."

My favorite line is just after this, when the boy new to school and worried about the size of his genitalia confides to his compadre about locker room shyness: "Boy, what I wouldn't have given for a fig leaf, even from a small tree," he laments.
I wonder how David Mamet would rewrite the dialogue in this scene.
Quentin Tarantino? Nora Ephron? Oliver Stone?
Chi-Chi Larue?
It would also be interesting to see what kind of monologue about small penises Aaron Sorkin could come up with. I'm sure it would be touching.
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