Timmy is as quick as a whip when it comes to business, but he's incapable of communicating anything unless it's in the form of a Powerpoint presentation. For example, when he asks his secretary for a cup of coffee in the morning, he uses a Powerpoint slide.
Years ago, when he asked his girlfriend to marry him (she said yes), he used a Powerpoint presentation. When he lets his little girl know how much he loves her on Father's Day, he uses a Powerpoint presentation.
It's amazing what the smartest minds in business can communicate when they really give their Powerpoint presentations real thought.
I bet his wife can't wait for Valentine's Day.

1 comment:
Timmy Two Shirts here-
Reasons I like this web site:
-It does not hurt my bottom line, because it's free
-It makes me laugh, which I read in a leadership book helps performance
-If there was a way for this site to make money, I want to be the first person in
-Pull my finger
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