Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Five Favorite Seldom Used Expressions

1. Jeepers.

2. Gee willikers.

3. Zoinx.

4. Heaven's to Murgatroyd.

5. Gadzooks.

Second in a series. Earlier: my five favorite seldom heard nouns of insult.



R J Keefe said...

I use four of your five "expressions" as a matter of course (especially "Murgatroyd"), but I have never heard, much less used, "Zoinks." Thanks for the gift.

Joey P said...

RJ: My only possible reaction to someone who has *never* heard of Zoinx is ... ZOINX!

It's from Scooby Doo.

I hope I spelled it right. I'd hate to get on the bad side of those kids in the Mystery Van.

Anonymous said...

My preference is for "Criminently!"

I also like when someone says they're "Copecetic"

Neither used much, but both deserve more play in everyday, watercooler converstaions.

Thanks TCOJ for this cutting edge commentay...where are the kittens?

Joey P said...

Bobby M: You can only imagine my anticipointment when I realized that I had failed to think of criminently!

I'm practically verbicidal over all of this.
