News flash for the New York Times: WE CAN'T MARRY.
As more people fail to repress or start to embrace their sexuality -- a new openness that simply was not as common a generation ago or even 10 years ago -- you will find that a decent chunk of the population will avoid heterosexual marriage in the first place. It's one facet of the answer to the question, "Why are so many Americans single?"

Many of the men of yesteryear who married and had children, because this was what was expected of them, will be, later tonight, dancing at The Eagle in a harness. They may even have their partner or "husband" next to them, a man who, of course, is not recognized in any U.S. government statistics.
If Ted Haggard (married in 1978) were a young man today, would he be looking to get married to a woman, or would he be polishing his gay.com profile? I'm fairly certain that JesusGiz69 would probably be polishing his profile, and a few other things as well.
Reminder: The Pelosi documentary on HBO,
featuring Haggard being about a braggard about
the evangelical sex life, which I blogged about
early this month, airs tomorrow night. Here's that post.
featuring Haggard being about a braggard about
the evangelical sex life, which I blogged about
early this month, airs tomorrow night. Here's that post.
actually the 2000 census DOES count gay couples as 'unmarried partners.' the respondent of the survey is asked their relationship to other members of the household (ie roommate, spouse, relative, etc) and can select unmarried partner and are then asked to list of gender of the partner. Thus with same sex unmarried partner data we can tabulate (though it significantly undercounts) and have a proxy for gay couples. of course i would prefer to be able to select married and then the gender of my spouse, but that's the deal according to the 2000 census.
Preparations are underway for the 2010 census, perhaps LGBT groups should petition the census bureau for more accurate and better methods of counting our population.
THANK YOU for the information.
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